In the sunny town of gala my family came to see me WOOT WOOT! so as i have now lived in the borders for a few months and have not visited the areas around my family having a car decided to do wee day trips across the Scottish borders! yahooo!
First night in Gala for my Brother and lucky for him there was some live Reggea/rock music praformed by his old band Pray For Ryan! They even asked him to join them on stage to sing!
The map is of all the places we have visited so far, i live in happy Galashiels...
This is the happy family in Peedie Peebles, i think we all liked this town the best. We also went a wee look see around the church and town area. Also a wee bit of trivia for you is that the town of Peebles is a twin town with the French village Hendaye, which is in the Basque country and very near to where Robin is from. The sun even came out in time for us to all to have some ICE CREAM! Nom NOm. as usual Nell had MINT CHOC CHIP! I had tasty AMERICAN CREAM SODA, mum had RUM AND RAISIN and Kevin had Fudge CRUNCH. SO TASTY!
This lovely mothers day we all went out to a tasty Indian in Selkirk! so much food! STUFFED